Manne Skafvenstedt - ‘A Liminal March’
"The most curious thing was that even though I knew that I enjoyed the material, I had no idea why I found it so interesting. Why was it so captivating?"
- Kari Nevalainen, Inner Magazine
"It’s a fascinating sound, which engages through to the end…"
- Matthew Greasley, Electronica
Ellas Kapell - ‘What’s It All About?’
”Det är inte varje dag man hör ett så klassiskt material förvaltas så fräscht, osökt och självklart.”
- Johannes Cornell, DN
”Texterna tas på allvar och varje låt får sitt måttbeställda fodral.”
- Alexander Agrell, Sydsvenskan
”Detta är en storartad produktion, just helheten är den som bländar, med känsla, energi och ett gott mått av lekfullhet.”
- Bo Bjelvehammar, Opulens
Manne Skafvenstedt - ‘ARCHWAY’
"After getting acquainted with the music of this talented musician, you will never want to miss a release of his ever again."
- Ilya Kudrin, Data Wave
"A calming experience [...] a really good listening experience"
- Rudolph Carrera, Music You Need To Hear
Manne Skafvenstedt - ‘unknown, untold’
"unknown, untold is progressive and brave. The entire record is an awakening, asking the listener to question preconceived ideas, issues and standards inherent western society"
– James Cathpole, Fluid Radio (UK)
“unknown, untold is quite a monumental work of art with a big statement”
– Ilya Kudrin, Data Wave
"Manne has certainly achieved what he set out to do and I felt included in the experience and was left pondering where his sonic adventures would take him after this wonderful debut"
– Steve Dacosta, Lonetapes (USA)
"Manne Skafvenstedt's music requires a deep listening to delve into its hidden harmonic labyrinths for a deep sound experience"
– Guillermo, Loop (CHILE)
"Fascinating combination of traditional and experimental"
– Antroxity, Beatradar (NORWAY)
Ellas Kapell - ‘Longing’
"Best right now! [...] I can't stop thinking about the first song on the record."
– Märet Öman, Swedish Radio P2
"Lovisa Jennervall and the fine musicians around her - Manne Skafvenstedt, Anders Langørgen, Edvin Fridolfsson - make these old lovely standard songs so good and with so much emotion and energy that any criticism falls flat to the ground. [...]"
– Dan Backman, Orkesterjournalen
"There is great security in the ensemble, it creates a freedom to individual expressions, there are constantly different moods on the different tracks, which both surprise and convince. Everyone has the courage to challenge, the power to force conventions and the capability to see beyond the norm and the mandatory. That's why it's getting so good. New stars on the jazz sky!"
– Bo Bjelvehammar, Opulens
For full reviews click any of the links below.
What’s It All About?